
Catalog Number: SY-IC87114
Availability: In Stock
Size: 1 mg, 5 mg, 10 mg, 50 mg, 100 mg
CAS Number : 371242-69-2
Alternative Names: IC-87114

* Size:



IC87114 was described as a p110d selective inhibitor that reduces fmlp-induced PIP3 synthesis and chemotaxis in neutrophils [1] and attenuates insulin signalling in certain cell lines [2].


1         Sadhu, C., Dick, K., Tino, W. T. and Staunton, D. E. (2003) Selective role of PI3K delta in neutrophil inflammatory responses.Biochem Biophys Res Commun 308, 764-9


2        Chaussade, C., Rewcastle, G. W., Kendall, J. D., Denny, W. A., Cho, K., Gronning, L. M., Chong, M. L., Anagnostou, S. H., Jackson, S. P., Daniele, N. and Shepherd, P. R. (2007) Evidence for functional redundancy of class IA PI3K isoforms in insulin signalling.Biochem J 404, 449-58


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