IFN- Ɣ R1 - Fc Chimera

Catalog Number: 9032
Availability: In Stock
Size: 25 µg
Uniprot Nu : P15260
Species Reactivity : Human
Host : Human, HEK Cell Expessed

* Size(micrograms):






Symansis' IFN-gamma R1 - Fchcx Chimera has N-linked oligosaccharides, shown by a drop in observed MW on SDS-PAGE after treatment with PNGase F. Symansis' IFN-gamma R1 - Fchcx Chimera contains 10-35% carbohydrate by weight.

Densitometry of protein isoforms visualised by 2-DE. Spot trains are normal in human proteins and highlight the presence of multiple isoforms which differ according to their level of post-translational modification. The triangle indicates the theoretical MW and pI of the protein.

1D SDS-PAGE of Symansis' hcx protein before and after treatment with glycosidases to remove oligosaccharides. A drop in the observed MW after treatment indicates the presence of glycosylation.

1. Oritani et al. (2001) Cytokine Growth Factor Rev. 12(4):337-48




Tags: 9032H, P15260

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